Tuesday 3 March 2020

Practiquem conversa

Some of our T2 students went shopping last week. Can you guess what they bought?

Friday 21 February 2020

És l'hora del conte

Com cada mes, teniu una sessió d'un conte en anglès a la biblioteca Contravent. El dijous 5 de març estarem amb el conte Rabbit's Nap.

Us hi esperem!!!

Role play about a natural disaster.

In our TPET group we did a news report role play about a natural disaster.

Thursday 20 February 2020


Aquest curs al Cambridge School, ens hem disfressat de pirates!!

Monday 17 February 2020

Monster from Tuesday's infant class.

Mireu quins monstres més divertits han pintat els nostres infants de dimarts. Són tots uns artistes!

Acting the Story

Els alumnes de N5 han interpretat una petita història. Quina bona manera de fer Speaking i aprendre vocabualari!
A Vilanova tenim petits artistes!

Wednesday 5 February 2020

Vilanova's got Talent

Quina millor manera d'aprendre que cantant.... Aquí teniu una petita mostra de les nostres petites cantants!!

Wednesday 29 January 2020

Treballant nous temes.

The N4 students hard at work, right now we're working on unit 4- The Nature Trail!

The other pictures show the T4 group working on a group project. They were working to make a poster introducing Catalonia as a tourist destination, talking about history, traditions and things to see.

Monday 27 January 2020

It's Story Time

Us esperem a l'hora del conte en anglès a la Biblioteca Contravent. Aquest mes amb el conte The very hungry caterpillar.

Thursday 23 January 2020

Summer 2020

Veniu a conèixer en detall l'àmplia oferta de viatges i colònies d'estiu per apendre i practicar idiomes que us presentem conjuntament amb British Summer.

Us esperem!

Meet the teachers!

Vols conèixer millor els professors de Cambridge School?

Avui, Kirsten Burns, professora que s’ha incorporat recentment a Cambridge School Vilanova:

1) Kirsten, where are you from?
I´m from Glasgow, the largest city in Scotland.

2) What did you do before becoming an English teacher?
Before becoming an English teacher I studied French and Spanish at University.

3) What brought you here?
I moved to Catalunya for a few different reasons. Firstly, it´s hard to teach English in a country where everyone already speaks English! Secondly, I wanted a change of lifestyle and to practise my Spanish. Lastly, I have a few friends living in Barcelona.

4) What is it like living/working here?
So far, I´ve only been here for two weeks, the job has been a bit full on with lots of new information to remember. However, I´m really enjoyig the teaching. I really like Granollers, there is lots to do for a small town. I especially love the cheap fruit and veg available at the markets. It will only get better once the warm weather arrives :)

5) What do you do in your free time?
In my free time I like swimming, reading historical fiction novels, singing in the shower and doing karaoke. Socialising with friends and trying tasty new cuisine.

Tuesday 21 January 2020

Working hard at exam practice

Aquesta setmana, els alumnes de N6, han practicat i treballat de valent per l'examen.
Aquí teniu una petita mostra.